When I received the name StraightArrow it was in a meditation. I saw the letters spelled out and received that this was my path and sacred name to take and be known by. I shivered and cried as I felt the energy of the name and event course through me. I also felt the truth of it and its greater meaning.

My path and journey has been full and very curious. Instead of one path, I have been guided to explore and study with masters of many traditions from around the globe.  All along the way my inner self, and soul, rebelled against what felt untrue, or incomplete, or controlling or emanating fear, or manipulative teachings or energy, immediately.

Knowing truth meant that I would often be silent, or had to speak out with respect to illuminate truth. I knew when something was missing or not correct, and dove deeper into truth to find the gifts and teachings automatically.

I garnered the best, the golden truths and light from each one and left the rest. Going into a class or situation, I immediately awakened many memories and gifts and appreciated the teacher who brought teachings and experiences to all of us.

Sorting through the truth and the lies occurred in myself as well. I realized that my soul and family line and things from this life were full of wounds and lies that I still carried in me. I do ongoing practice to continue to heal as well.

The more I am open to seeing all, without judgment or blame, the easier it is to unlayer and untangle and heal what hold me hostage, from the love and truth that we are, and I am. I teach these tools and awareness to many, freedom and understanding results.

It has been a long journey and a deep one with many ups and downs and challenges that many face today. The joy of freedom and love that keeps unfolding is glorious. Gathering, remembering and bridging the truth that is in everything, hidden and revealed, has been my greatest joy. Ultimately it did become one path, my own to Be The Medicine.

To be StraightArrow has been to live truth and love and assist others learn and heal and find their own way to freedom in this body and life.


To be us, we must let go of not us. There is a lot of ways we live against us, that most people would ever dream of, let alone see easily. Honoring the highest truth of love guides us. Love is not pleasing other people or beliefs, this is how we get caught and are depressed, attract disease and pain in many ways.

To let go of the desires of family, friends and others to walk my own path has been a challenge worth living. We are birthing truth and a new paradigm and others may not join us immediately, or at all. Live your truth and you will find abundant support, energy and opportunities as well as health and happiness.

Healing is become whole, one with us, and with our highest knowing, and vision and truth. It is not about gathering material fortune and fame; it’s about living the abundance hidden in you. Material support comes as well if you are open to it, and you are here to enjoy and live in joy, not struggle.


The underlying truth that I discovered is that we are all designed to be the medicine for us. This is the path I have been guided to awaken with clarity, love and compassion for all of us.

We have been hypnotized and lied to in each day in many ways to keep us down. We have been trained against our greatest gift of knowing, into looking outside us for answers and approval.

Buying into any company, tradition or family line, holds you hostage and living against you, and ultimately all. The desire for outer acceptance and community leads us into dark waters. Where is the light of truth for you?

The best approval is a quiet mind and an open heart that cares not what others think or want, but is content and loving no mater what. This is your indicator of truth for you.

When you live in truth, some will shy away or run and blame, and your true family and friends and lovers will welcome you home.

In Be The Medicine, Live The Power of You! And Soul Shamanism we focus on bringing out your deepest wisdom and knowledge with joy and fun in order to live your best life today, in all ways.

The gift of what I offer, as StraightArrow is that I love and direct you to you in ways that are loving, gentle and immediate-because they are true- and you make changes easily in your life with great results, as you walk your own walk, your own path of truth.


People, who do continued work with me, are on a path to Apprentice to themselves and a path of Mastery. Having walked the walk myself, focused on helping others, has been the gift I have developed to share with the world through writing, teaching and healing sessions and classes.

It is helpful to every person on the planet now to be who you are and live your wisdom, truth and power. This is our best source to navigate and live through tremendous challenge and change successfully.

My joy is to offer energy and love, healing and teachings, tools and fun, to guide you home to you, and as we go deeper to assist your comfort in being there, until you are solid in you.

It is a continued journey with more to discover and explore and become. Never boring or done, we have plenty to learn and grow into in this life. Make each day interesting and fun where you are. We flower where we are planted, if we nurture our amazing selves, and allow it.

Enjoy your own Journey,

Janet StraightArrow

Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!

Check out our website or call Janet to see how you can be supported today! 973-647-2500

See for inspiration daily. Blessings.

About BeTheMedicine

Shaman, Master Healer. Teacher. Mentor, Reiki Master Teacher, Writer. Medical Intuitive. Spiritual Counselor. Life Coach. Sage.
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